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LOGO DF-RFM 00-03.jpg

23 - 27 
AVRIL 2025



Programme festival édition 2024

"Incarnated music gives us back our space of silence. It returns us to our own heart. This is how we get to the festival, to what it brings, to what it gives, it is this human beings' availability to bring out the memories in their consciousness that nourish the collective soul. We see that the quest for memories leads straight to creation. Because creation is precisely made of memories of the great rhythms of life, rhythms that generate the forms of the world. The quest for memories gives birth to the diffusion and artistic propagation. What the festival will give us are creative memories. It is this radiation which connects each living being to the whole world and its past.  


I think our generation is beginning to think about the effort of inner transformation that will require changing our way of life. What could help us better than art, through dance, music, theater, architecture, sculpture and painting..? Them alone embrace better than they separate. Them alone prepare us to approach the mystery of creation and constitute the recourses to the ecological crisis, which is really a spiritual crisis. What model do we propose today at least, to be, rather than to have? Only beauty will save the world and art is the instrument.  


In the universe, since its formation, everything has been played out between Rhythms and Forms. Rhythm is therefore linked to Form and is like its skeleton. This link or principle is verified in all artistic practices, mainly in music. Rhythm is the backbone, the support of the melodic form. Rhythm also testifies to its presence in poetry, and about poetry, one might as well say that poetry is rhythm. This is what gave power to the word.  


“Art in all its forms: music, song, dance, poetry, the sacred word 

 And all the other artistic disciplines practiced in churches, in temples, mosques, synagogues fulfill the same office of protection, of completely resetting the spirit or consciousness" 

 - Late Gérard CHENET -

   Founder of APDD and the Dialaw Festival- Rhythms and forms of the world

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