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The festival takes place throughout the village by programming in various cultural places in the area as well as in the streets and in local homes in the very heart of the family courtyards.

In this way, the festival highlights the special places of our territory, creating excitement around the populations. As a result, residents are involved in the festival project through active participation. They are fully involved in creating community momentum in a singular and plural approach.


Through its eclectic programming, its “outside the walls” offerings intended for all audiences and its completely free admission, the festival is committed to making culture accessible to as many people as possible.

The artistic proposal of quality and original. The festival intends to create a strong and clearly identified event that targets an intergenerational audience. It attracts spectators from all walks of life.

By organizing the festival every year, we want to build loyalty among the public, but also among all of our partners over the long term. The festival is a recurring and essential event in the cultural life of Toubab Dialaw and Senegal.


We offer an alternative event like there are few in Senegal. We offer our festival-goers a varied and careful artistic, cultural, intellectual and educational program.

The aspiration is to provoke curiosity and citizen encounters.


For 5 days and 4 nights, events follow one another in the different emblematic places chosen: from the Engouement Theater to the village square, from the sand school to the Pintche (heart of the village), from the stage at the inhabitants to the village beach….


Offering an exceptional platform for the diversity of the arts, harmoniously combining headliners and discoveries, combining new aesthetics and musical heritage, artistic excellence and popular spirit, the Dialaw Festival RFM weaves a rich program throughout the week, both festive and educational.

A friendly festival,

A festival on a human scale,

A festival accessible to all,

A festival of multidisciplinary discoveries,

A democratic festival,

An ethical festival,

An ecological festival,

A festival in unique settings

A popular festival.

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