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Association for the Promotion and Sustainable Development of Dialaw A.P.D.D

The APDD was created in 2010 by Gérard CHENET, driven by the desire to revitalize the village through cultural, social and ecological actions.

The APDD is a non-profit organization. Its essential goal is to actively participate in the socio-cultural and economic development of the region, in collaboration with all local stakeholders.

It aims to create a dynamic in the territory of Toubab Dialaw, a fishing village which is part of the commune of Yenne, located 55 km from Dakar.

Since its creation, it has been actively involved in promoting world cultures to audiences and institutions. Producer of events and promoter of cultural initiatives in Senegal and abroad, the APDD always strives to offer a demanding and adapted artistic offering. Fair entrepreneurship structure, the association clearly considers its actions with an educational aim and promotes the structuring of network or participatory projects.


Its members are convinced that diligent practice of the arts offers the community, and each individual, an ideal framework for exchanges and knowledge. It brings daily improvement, in lives and in the environment. Every year since 2011, the APDD has organized a festival rich in disciplines and culture. Interculturality and the diversity of the arts are an integral part of each edition, promoting professionalization in the performing arts and culture professions in general. Live shows, visual arts and artistic crafts are in the spotlight at each edition and attract a very varied and increasingly large audience.


The APDD cultural spaces (the Theater of Engouement and the Sobo Bade space) put on shows, artistic and cultural training in several disciplines: theater, music, dance, plastic arts throughout the year and the annual DIALAW FESTIVAL Rythmes et Formes du Monde festival which has existed since 2011.

The association aims at energizing the socio-cultural space of the region by creating links between artists, associative actors and public actors.

The APDD is registered on 01/22/2010 with the Ministry of the Interior/Directorate of General Affairs and Territorial Administration of Senegal under the following reference: N°14298/MINT/DAGAT/DEL/AS.

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