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In addition to a superb program, we have focused on an eco-responsible approach to the festival. The theme of the 11th edition of the DF-RFM was chosen unanimously during the information meeting held in July 2022 bringing together all the stakeholders and several actions were carried out in an eco-responsible approach.


Catering: In order to continue raising awareness among the women of the village and everyone about a healthier diet based on local products, know-how and recipes, started during the previous edition. We offered menus based on local and regional products and included traditional dishes at the canteen run by women from Toubab Dialaw.

In order to limit waste production, we distributed reusable glasses and plates during meals and a team of volunteers took care of cleaning the beach and the various sites before and after each event!


The scenography: The workshops offered focused on recycling materials in order to give them a second life.


Round tables: Sustainable development is at the center of our festival. Environmental themes were proposed throughout the festival. **see section No. I.4 Conferences & round tables.


Training: In order to further mobilize young people to control their environment better and their own waste, the Senegal Zero Waste association came to train young volunteers, residents of Toubab Dialaw (around fifty participants) in Zero Waste. This training was organized over an intense day with a theoretical part, a practical part and a participatory part.

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